Friday, June 18, 2010


Welcome, welcome to my wonderful new blog. I’ve gotten tons of requests to start one so here I am, writing to you about my Italian culinary adventures. I’ll get into the daily school details in my next post but for now just a (not so) little explanation about how I ended up on this crazy path.

If towards the end of my senior year of high school someone told me that I would end up where I am today, I would have asked what drugs that person was taking. NEVER in my wildest dreams or fantasies would I have thought that I would end up in culinary school. It was never part of the plan, not that there was much of one left anyway from the past few years. I always pictured myself spending the “best 4 years of my life” at one college where I would go to every football game, maybe join a sorority, graduate with a good GPA, find a job where I would have to straighten my hair and get made up everyday and that’s it.

Obviously, things have changed since then. I had a very different mindset about college, life, and relationships when I was in high school. Granted I was only 17 when I graduated but I still had VERY strong opinions about everything (as anyone who went to high school with me and had AIM could tell you). As a perfect example, I was extremely embarrassed by the thought of attending community college after my first year at Lafayette. I thought it was for losers, failures, and burnouts just as I believed the same about trade schools such as culinary school. I thought it was a joke. End of story.